Previous Work (Page 3)
Designed by Gizmo Solutions for New Look Decor
New Look Decor




Exterior work carried out to large five bedroom country house in Bedfordshire. Two coats of exterior weather shield masonry paint (clotted cream colour) applied to all exterior walls (front, back, sides, including extension). Movable three storey scaffolding tower used to complete works. As the tower is lightweight and highly adjustable there is no need to erect a full scaffolding system around your property. Our system has three main benefits to you the customer.


1) It reduces the cost of the overall job as full scaffolding systems can be very expensive.


2) Its easy and quick to erect and dismantle thus saving time and the fact that it can be taken down after every days work means there will be no security risks to your property from burglars utilising a full scaffolding system to enter your property.


3) As it can be taken down daily it doesn't make your property look very unsightly for the duration of the works.


The owners of the property also wanted to have wooden fascia boards fitted to the outside walls of their property to give it Tudor style look. We cut all the boards to size and stained them a colour to match the windows and to stay in keeping with the rest of the property. The boards were all securely fixed to the walls to produce the desired look as seen in the bottom two photos.

General Carpentry and Joinery